United States
Traditionally, the most common U.S. jurisdiction has been Delaware. But there are other U.S. jurisdictions that can be useful for tax planning and asset protection structures.
There are huge tax benefits for non-resident foreign nationals earning passive income in the United States. The United States does not tax non-resident foreign nationals for any U.S. sourced interest income or dividend.
Also there are zero capital gains on profits from investments. Tax is only paid on income earned from a U.S. source. Depending on the corporate structure, this income may be subject to a very low tax rate.
The proper company structure is important and
Aspen Global Incorporations Limited
can assist you with this.
U.S. companies are confidential, easy to establish, and their on-going maintenance is moderate.
Everyone recognizes that the United States is a primary location for international business. The presence of good banks, advanced infrastructure, a consistent legal system and a stable government are all characteristics of the United States that are taken for granted. A U.S. company can benefit from all of this both for investment into the United States or as an holding vehicle.
There are several states which we prefer to work with:
- New York
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- Florida
- Nevada
If you want information about setting up a company in any of the 50 United States, please write us directly at enquiries@aspenoffshore.com
Aspen Global Incorporations Limited
assists in offshore company formation & international business structures; virtual offices, company management, and secretarial services. Formation and administration of trusts & foundations. We can assist in the development of efficient international tax planning. We make banking referrals; provide accounting & audit services, and more in United States.
Schedule of fees available upon request.
Contact us today for United States companies and trusts. We are located at Suite 2103, 21st Floor, Landmark South, 39 Yip Kan Street, Wong Chuk Hang, Hong Kong, S.A.R.
Tel: (852) 3175 8758
Fax: (852) 3175 8456
E-mail: enquiries@aspenoffshore.com
Website: www.aspenoffshore.com